How to use best SEO techniques in 2024

 What is SEO optimization (search engine optimization)?

best SEO techniques in 2024

SEO stands for "Search engine optimization". It is the practice of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic and brand awareness through unpaid (also known as "organic/organic traffic") search engine results. It is the process of improving the ranking of organic search results in search engines. It is the art and science of attracting targeted website traffic from search engines to your website. The higher your website ranks, the more results people see.

The history of SEO dates back to the 1990s, when search engines first emerged. Today, it has become an essential marketing strategy and a growing industry.

1. Organic results

If you want to learn SEO, you should be prepared to do a lot of creative, technical, and analytical work. There are many different techniques with different goals, however, the gist is the same – get top results in organic searches.

Simply put, SEO is about running the right website for the right people.

It’s more than just a perfect structure or the technical background of a website. Your website must be filled with quality and optimized content to suit the needs of your audience. Of course, it must be good enough to be linked from other websites.

Is SEO optimization difficult?

Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and some websites create an index based on different ranking algorithms. Can we identify these algorithms? Yes and no.

Google uses over 200 ranking factors. While we know a lot of it: quality content, backlinks, or technical stuff like site speed, a lot is kept secret.

Of course, you don't need to know all the factors that rank your website. To understand what SEO is, imagine a bowl of soup. There are three important aspects:

The bowl represents the technical material behind the website (technical and on-page SEO), and without the right bowl, soup will be spilled on the table.

The soup represents the content of your website and is the most important part. Bad content = no ranking, simple as that.

The quality backlinks represented by the sauce increase the authority of your website, which is the final ingredient that makes this bowl of soup perfect.

SEO soup illustration:

Users search for what they want online by using search engines. Whether you’re selling products, services, blogging, or anything else, search engine optimization is the way to go.

Your website needs to be indexed by search engines. Otherwise, your page cannot be found.

Smart SEO campaigns can improve your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). A higher ranking means higher traffic.

To sum up, if you plan to be successful with your website, you need to do SEO. Some aspects are complex, but SEO success often comes down to common sense and a few best practices.

How to learn SEO optimization? Do I need help from others?

Even basic changes can have a huge impact on how search engines view your site. In this ultimate SEO guide for beginners, we’ll cover all the key topics and SEO basics. You will gain enough knowledge to perform SEO on your own. ​

If you're wondering how to learn SEO, we have a simple answer for you: you're going to need a lot of study and practice. The good thing is that you can find tons of information online for free (including this SEO guide), but you should choose wisely. Apart from this, you can also join various courses, courses or webinars.

If you don’t want to learn it yourself or don’t have the time, you can seek help from an SEO consultant, expert, or agency. Of course, this method is not free compared to this guide.

SEO Basic Terms Glossary:

  • On-page SEO (On-page SEO) and Off-page SEO (Off-page SEO).
  • White hat SEO, black hat SEO, gray hat SEO
  • On-site and off-site SEO
  • On-site SEO means optimizing your website to impact organic search results. Here's everything you can do on your website - from content
  • SEO keyword research

 SEO optimization to technical aspects:

  • meta tag
  • title
  • URL structure
  • Image optimization
  • content
  • structured data
  • Website size and speed
  • …and many other details. We will talk about it in Chapter 3.

  • Off-site SEO covers all the activities you can do to improve your website’s SEO authority by acquiring backlinks from other websites.

 There are many ways to obtain them:

  1. Email promotion
  2. Guest Blog
  3. opinion letter
  4. social media
  5. Cooperate with celebrities
  6. Write valuable content so people will enjoy linking to your website
  7. White hat. Black hat. Gray hat SEO

Black hat and white hat originated from Western movies. It's like bad guy or good guy. But don't take these words too seriously. Opinions on these two SEO methods often differ.

 black hat white hat 

Black hat SEO is a set of unethical practices to improve a website's ranking in search engine results pages. They are designed to influence search engines without regard to human factors.

Black hat SEO can get you to the top of SERPs in a short period of time, however, search engines are likely to penalize and ban the website sooner or later.


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