How to Retire Early With Low Savings: Learn Strategies to Generate High Monthly Income With Low Risk


Retire Early. Generate High Monthly Income with Low Risk using Covered Calls (#1 Bestseller on Amazon Kindle and Apple Books)

To retire with financial security, you will need to find a way to generate high monthly income, with low risk. This is difficult to do in today's overvalued stock market and "low-yield" bond market. As a financial veteran with 20+ years of experience, I have tested 100's of monthly income strategies over the years to find what works. I advise you on which monthly income investments to stay away from (due to risk) and which to pursue. Plus, I reveal a NEW set-it-and-forget-it investment providing high monthly income, low risk, low fees, plus growth - perfect for retirees with low savings. No prior financial knowledge required.


How much do you need to retire? $500K, $1 million?

It’s not how much money you save, it’s how much income your savings can generate.

For example, if you have $1,000,000 saved, and invest in safe bonds (paying 1% today), you generate only ~$880/month. However, if you have $500,000 saved and can generate 8% per year safely, that is ~$3,400/month. Much better.

Generating high monthly income with low risk is very hard to do in today's overvalued stock market and low-yield bond market.

The solution is “covered calls”. Covered calls are “options” used to generate high income with lower risk, and are effective whether markets are going up or down. They used to be complex and reserved for the financially savvy, but it is now as easy as buying a stock. No prior financial knowledge is required.

In the book “How to Retire Early,” I show you steps to generate high monthly income with low risk using covered calls.

What you will learn:

Which high-income investments to avoid and why
The bucket strategy and why it is important
A NEW simple set-it-and-forget-it investment that provides high monthly income + downside protection + growth + low fees; perfect for retirees and early-retirees with low savings
An active strategy for even higher returns

Follow the steps I outline in the book – and you can retire sooner than you think. No prior financial knowledge is required.


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